Birth chart reading combining Ba Zi and Zi Wei Dou Shu

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Birth Chart Reading.png

Birth chart reading combining Ba Zi and Zi Wei Dou Shu

Sale Price:$230.00 Original Price:$250.00

This listing is for a birth chart reading using both “Ba Zi” and “Zi Wei Dou Shu” methods. The Chinese Ba Zi, or the 4 pillars, is a fortune-telling system using one’s birth year, month, day, and hour. This analysis will include the 5-element relationships, personal lucky and unlucky elements, 10 years luck, the 10 gods, and the related stars.

The “Zi Wei Dou Shu” or “Purple star astrology” is also based on the birthdate. It shows 12 palaces or sectors (Self, Spouse, Parents, Children, Career, Wealth….). Combining with Ba Zi, it shows a better picture of your own strength and weakness.

You can choose to focus on one area such as career, a certain year, relationships, or any specific question. I might use “I Ching” divination to answer your questions.

This listing is for the emailed PDF report. There is no other physical product to mail, and no phone or Zoom calls. You can ask any followup questions by email.

I will need your birth year, month, day, and time. The location (city, country) of the birthplace is helpful for accuracy. The birth time is based on traditional Chinese 2-hour segments. If you do not know your birth time, we will focus more on the “Zi Wei Dou Shu” reading rather than “Ba Zi”.

Please allow up to 2 weeks for your Ba Zi analysis since this is all personalized, and it takes time to prepare. Thank you.

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Please allow 1-2 weeks for your Ba Zi analysis by email. Send your birth year, month, date, and time, plus the birth city/country to:

All consultations will be confidential, and your information will not be shared unless with your written consent. All methods of fortune-telling should be used as a reference only. Your action and attitude can change the direction of your life.